
Established in 1980 (as the Women’s Caucus for Political Science, South), SPSA Women is a nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the status of women in Political Science and promotes the professional interests of women academic Political Scientists, through advocating for such interests to the Southern Political Science Association (SPSA), providing networking opportunities, periodically studying and reporting on the status of women in Political Science, recognizing and encouraging professional achievements of women political scientists, offering mentorship and resources to women political scientists across all ranks, and building community within Political Science.



Membership is open to all persons who pay required dues. SPSA Women membership is open to persons of all gender identities and to political scientists representing any subfield and areas of specialization.

SPSA Women does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, ancestry, academic rank, or student status.


Erika Fairchild Award

The Erika Fairchild Award was created to honor the memory of the late Erika Fairchild, who once served as president of SPSA Women (formerly the Women’s Caucus for Political Science, South). The award criteria consist of those attributes that Erika exemplified:

  • A strong record of scholarship
  • A strong commitment to students and teaching
  • Service to the profession
  • A collegial spirit

The Fairchild Award is given biennially.


For more information and to become a member, contact us at SPSAwomen@gmail.com.