The SPSA is delaying the release of its Call for Proposals until June. We welcome individual research presentations, panel proposals, and proposals for Conference Within a Conference meetings. SPSA 2021 will take place online, January 7-9, 2021.
Members of the SPSA Council will be meeting virtually using the Association’s Go To Meeting system. Council members with questions should email or contact Pat at the main office number.
From the kickoff of our Workshops on Social Science Research on Wednesday, through the panels and conference within a conference meetings, to the finale reception on Saturday night, SPSA 2020 was a great meeting!
Despite recent earthquake activity to the south of the island of Puerto Rico, San Juan’s infrastructure is undamaged and the airport and conference hotel are running as normal. No changes to the SPSA Annual Meeting program are anticipated. Any changes will be announced on this website and via email.
SPSA 2020 in San Juan, Puerto Rico begins!
Register now to avoid paying late registration fees.
To register, please see the SPSA-WSSR Registration Page
Rooms at the Caribe Hilton can be booked online using the following link: